IMHA - Independent Mental Health Advocacy
An IMHA advocate can help you understand your rights and make your views heard if you are on a section under the Mental Health Act (1983) (excluding sections 4, 5 (2), 5 (4), 135, 136).
We can also support people on community treatment orders (CTO), and those subject to Guardianship under the Mental Health Act.
IMCA - Independent Mental Capacity Advocacy
An IMCA advocate helps people who lack capacity to be involved in making decisions, and to make sure professionals know what they want.
To qualify for an IMCA the person must also have a specific decision to be made and have no one else appropriate to consult.
As an IMCA we can help with the following long-term decisions/situations:
- Change in accommodation
- Serious medical treatment
- Care reviews
- Adult Safeguarding
- Deprivation of liberty
RPR - Relevant Person’s Representative
An RPR advocate helps people in care home and hospitals to tell people what they want, and supports them to try to have the lifestyle they want.
Our RPR’s work with people who have been deprived of their liberty in line with the Mental Capacity Act (MCA, 2005).
Care Act Advocates
A Care Act advocate helps you to be involved in decisions about your care and support, and to tell people what you want.
A Care Act advocate falls under the Care Act (2014) and aims to ensure that people who would otherwise find it difficult to participate, are as fully involved as possible in actions and decisions regarding their care and accommodation.
General Advocacy
A general advocate helps you to find out information, speak to professionals, and try to get what you want.
General advocacy covers a wide variety of issues, but they must be related to navigating the health and social care system.
Here are some examples of the types of general advocacy our team offers:
- Someone wants support from social services but doesn’t know how to access it
- Someone isn’t happy with the way their GP is treating them
- Someone with children has children's social services involved with their family and they need support to understand what’s happening
- Someone is going through child protection proceedings
1.2 representative
A 1.2 representative helps people in the community who lack capacity to have their views heard and to make sure their care and support is appropriate and isn’t too restrictive.
Our 1.2 representatives provide advocacy for people who are under ‘community DoLS’ (Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards approved by the Court of Protection for people who lack capacity around care and accommodation, are under continuous supervision and control, and are living in the community).
We work with people aged 16 and over. NYAS – National Youth Advocacy Service – supports children. However, on some occasions our IMHA advocates support people under 16.