Fundraise For Us
There are endless ways you can get involved and raise funds for us.
From a bake sale or coffee morning, to a sponsored silence or bungee jump, we’re here to help you on your journey to help us.
Looking for inspiration?
If you want to fundraise for us, but you're not sure what to do or are looking for something a little bit different, then we have lots of ideas
Get Started
From setting up your fundraising page, to promoting it on social media, we'll support you. Our fundraising pack has everything you need.
Take On A Challenge
Whether you want to run, swim, climb, cycle or get muddy - on your own, or as part of a team - we've got the perfect challenge for you
How we helped Hannah
Hannah was 19 when she was referred to us by specialist NHS mental Health services. She'd been referred to several services without getting the help she needed. As a new university student she was experiencing overwhelming emotions; her main coping strategy was to self-harm. We worked with Hannah to help her make her life more stable and safer. We took time to listen and acknowledge her experiences., and worked with her on managing her low mood and anxiety. We helped her get the benefits and debt advice she needed and to plan moving from private to student accommodation. With our support she talked to student welfare about the university work she had missed and registered with a GP. Hannah did these things herself, with our help and encouragement, and gained hope for a different future.