We can deliver individual therapy support to your workforce. 

Giving them a safe place to talk to one of our counsellors confidentially, will help you to help them.

What is it?

The service can operate however you want it to.

One of our therapists can come into your offices as often as you like to offer your workforce a listening ear and confidential advice. 

The support is made available to your people for any work-related or personal issues they may have.

The service is completely confidential and those businesses who have implemented the service are seeing exceptional results.

What do you get?

Before one of our trusted and professional counsellors comes on site to deliver the safe space chat service you will get:

  • a secure bespoke online booking system for your staff
  • the option to offer in person or virtual support
  • a personalised video explaining the service and how it works
  • update reports detailing the sign up and access rates