The Green House Surgery Achieves Carer Friendly GP Status

Celebrating a local GP practice identifying and supporting unpaid carers.
The Green House Surgery is the first GP surgery in South Tees to achieve Carer Friendly GP status. The initiative is funded by the local authorities and the NHS Integrated Care Board and is part of the overarching ‘Carers Strategy for South Tees’. Working in partnership with Susan Lee, Primary Care Co-ordinator from Teesside Mind, the surgery is leading the way for other local GP practices to follow suit.
The surgery is keen to support the needs of unpaid carers of all ages and recognise there are many who are struggling to cope emotionally, physically and financially. It has implemented practical ideas from the NHS ‘Supporting Carers in General Practice: A Framework of Quality Markers’. The framework looks at six areas which can be improved using practical ideas. Some of the improvements included questionnaires and text messages sent to all the unpaid carers registered with the practice asking if they offered practical support, help with medication, physical help, personal care. All unpaid carers were sent a leaflet on the role of Social Prescribing Link Workers and how this service can help provide extra support by referring onto local carer organisations. Flu and Covid vaccinations are also offered to unpaid carers well as regular health checks.
All the clinical and non-clinical staff were also offered the opportunity to attend carer awareness training as well as a member of staff volunteering to be a Carer Ambassador for the practice. The Carer Ambassador acts as the main point of contact for both patients and staff and keeps up to date with all the local activities and carer updates.
Lynne Waldon the Deputy Business Manager said "The Green House Surgery is proud to have recently been awarded the GP Carer Friendly Accreditation by Teesside Mind and will strive to maintain our Carer Friendly status. All of the team at The Green House Surgery are committed to supporting Caregivers in general practice. It’s important that you tell us if you are a carer or if someone cares for you, or you are no longer a carer, so our staff have a better understanding of your health needs".
The full declaration has been uploaded to the surgery’s website, as well as the certificate, so patients can see the commitment the surgery has made to unpaid carers.
Susan Lee, Primary Care Co-ordinator from Teesside Mind since last year who said: “After working alongside the team at the Green House Surgery it’s clear to see the benefits having Carer Friendly Status is having on the practice and its patients. Understanding how to identify and support unpaid carers is vital and I would encourage all local GP practices to reach out to find out how we can help them improve their support to unpaid carers within their practice community.”
Find out more about our support for professionals supporting carers locally here